systems@work is today announcing the release of systems@work Software Version 6.5 for Infor SunSystems, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Business Central, SAP, Coda and NetSuite.
Our 6.5 Version coincides with new version of the systems@work App which can be found on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
Version 6.5.1 contains a number of enhancements as well as bug corrections (details of which are in the Release Notes on the Customer Web):
- 99 analysis dimensions are now available on all entities (Forms, Timesheets, Employees, Clients, Projects and Tasks).
- We have enabled multi-factor authentication for the Professional Services Workbench (and the concept of registered devices for the systems@work App).
- Grid reports can now be viewed in the systems@work App (see screenshots).
- You can now run the Task Scheduler as a Windows scheduled task (the Task Scheduler enabled as a command line executable).
- You can now control the list of available projects in the selection tool for Inquiry Profiles and Ledger Modification as well as in the Project Portal using Static Data Profiles.
- Email notifications from the system (Transmission Text) can now be sent as App notifications.

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