systems@work is today announcing the release of systems@work Software Version 7.0.2 for Infor SunSystems, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Business Central, SAP, Coda, Workday and NetSuite.
Version 7.0.2 delivers further extensions to our new browser based Profile Manager and now enables the management of the following via a browser:
- Planning Profiles
- Archiving Profiles
- Invoice Data Profiles
These profiles are in addition to the following profiles which were introduced in version 7.0.1
- Approval Profiles,
- Generation Profiles,
- Status Inquiry Profiles,
- Invoice Status Inquiry Profiles,
- Static Data Inquiry Profiles,
- Ledger Modification Profiles
- Export Profiles
The Version 7 Profile Manager enables the creation and management of multiple Profiles through a browser. Additionally we have extended our library of integration web services to enable the import of transactions.
This version also contains a number of enhancements as well as bug corrections (details of which are in the Release Notes on the Customer Web):
How to Get Started
To learn about migrating to Version 7 (either as an On Premise or Cloud deployment) please contact the systems@work Team.